Thank you Rebecca for fostering Smokey.
SMOKEY is the sweetest cat! He just wants to be loved. Smokey was found by a kind woman who noticed him coming for the food she leaves out for a colony of feral cats she feeds in her yard. But Smokey is no feral cat – he is as friendly as can be.
Smokey showed up tired and hungry…and underweight. It took him only a day to decide he wanted to come inside this kind woman’s home. And would roll around on the ground for belly rubs. With two cats of her own, she wasn’t able to take in a new indoor kitty so reached out for help.
Smokey is 8 years old. We know this because he was micro-chipped but only registered to a rural cat rescue organization that no longer exists. Smokey came into our care with severe periodontal disease that was not only painful, but caused the misalignment of his teeth – making it impossible to close his mouth/jaw. After seeing a vet, he was referred to a veterinary dentist/oral surgeon. Sadly, Smokey needed to undergo surgery to remove all of his teeth.
Smokey is now recovering from dental surgery and will be ready for adoption soon.