Thank you Inger for fostering, then adopting, Georgie!
GEORGIE came into our care with a urinary blockage. If not addressed, this condition is fatal because toxins back up into the cat’s kidneys. The severity of this condition is worse for males because they block more easily than females.
When Georgie arrived at the vet hospital he was completely blocked. His kidney values – denoting toxins in his kidneys – were sky high. With immediate intervention – a urinary catheter was inserted, he was placed on antibiotic, pain and bladder-relaxing medications, and given IV fluids. Within 24 hours, Georgie’s condition improved – his kidney values returned to normal. 72 hours later, his catheter was removed and Georgie was able to urinate on his own.
After 3 days in the vet hospital, Georgie was transferred to an experienced foster parent. Initially he was getting bladder-relaxing medication, antibiotics and special food to prevent future blockages. He will need to stay on this food for life along with an increase in his water intake to prevent future blockages. Georgie has recovered nicely and even likes his special food! He will be ready for adoption soon.
Thank you Debbie for caring for Georgie temporarily.