Adoption Pending

Primary Breed: Border Collie

Mixed Breed: Yes

Gender: Male

General Age: Young


Simon is a handsome, playful, young lad.
He has a beautiful soft coat of black with a bit of white mixed in.
  He's eager to have a new life of comfort and affection. He'd love it if that new life included lap time. He's pretty confident in new situations and around new dogs.
Simon is very easy with people of all types and doesn’t need much encouragement to get moving. He would make a great family dog. 

He does need to learn some puppy manners but his eagerness to please means he picks up lessons quickly. 

Simon comes to us from a shelter in rural southwestern Virginia. Simon and his sister, Shae, as well as their father, were seized from their owner for neglect (starvation).

Gender:  Neutered Male

DOB: Approx. 12/1/2023

Current size; 35 pounds 

Special needs information:

Birth date:


OK with cats:

Current Size:

30.0 pounds

OK with dogs:


Size Potential:


OK with kids:

Obedience Training:

Energy Level:

Needs a foster: