Adoption Pending

Gender: Female

Birth date: 03/2024

Needs feline companion: Yes


Mary and Mini’s Personalities

Mary and Mini are adorable dilute tortoiseshells with light grey and peach colored coats. They are very sweet and don't showcase any of those sassy "torti" traits. These girls love playing, chasing and wrestling with each other, and being petted by their foster parents. Both girls have been "caught" spinning in circles, chasing their own tails. They sleep curled up together, are perfectly matched, and must be adopted together.

MARY is a beautiful girl with a peach tipped tail that helps you distinguish her from her sister. She is everything that a kitten should be – beautiful, silly, playful, curious, sweet and playful. Mary is a friendly, confident girl who adapts quickly to new people and places. She loves to romp and wrestle with her sister and toss toy mice around. Mary greets you with an happy upward tail, and purrs when you pet her. She is always up for kitten shenanigans and won’t turn down an opportunity to chase a feather on a stick. When she is tuckered out from playing, Mary loves to curl up next to you or snuggle with her sister.

MINI has a lighter face than her sister with a cute peach streak from her forehead down to her nose. She is the more mischievous of the two sisters, but it takes a little time for Mini's true personality to come out. Mini is initially quite shy in new environments, and looks to Mary to show her that new things and new people are ok. Happily, after a few weeks in their foster home, Mini went from being in Mary's shadow to taking the lead herself. Now Mini is usually the one taking charge when it comes to play sessions, grooming each other, and sitting in their foster mom's lap. Mini is also the more chatty of the two sisters. She has opinions on many things and isn't shy in telling everyone what she thinks!

Type of Home They Need

Mary and Mini need a quieter home with experienced cat caretakers who give them plenty of nurturing as they grow up. A home with an adult couple would be ideal although an older cat-savvy child would be ok (about 12 yrs or older). No very young children or dogs now or in the future.

Where They Came From

These girls were rescued as young kittens, along with their mom cat and two brothers, from someone’s home where they weren’t being adequately cared for.

Home Environment:

Moderately Active

OK with dogs:


OK with kids:


Needs a foster:


Special needs information:
