By Hillary Haag
You don’t often know where you’ll meet your new best friend. For two special-needs kitties who were born in southeast Washington, D.C., and were transferred to SPCA of Northern Virginia’s care from a local shelter, they became best buddies while they recuperated in their foster home.
Pray is a fluffy black and white diva who lived in a feral colony in southeast Washington, D.C. She was trapped during a TNR (trap-neuter-return) effort, and taken back to her neighborhood after she was spayed. Shortly thereafter, she developed a severe upper respiratory infection, and the caretaker of the colony knew Pray wouldn’t survive out on the streets. She took this kitten inside, turned to the local animal shelter to help this girl, and named her Pray, with the hopes that her prayers for this kitten’s survival would be answered.
Shortly after Pray’s arrival, an SPCA NOVA representative visited the shelter and arranged for Pray’s transfer to SPCA’s care to receive the medical attention and socialization necessary to become a healthy, adoptable kitten. With the SPCA foster program, Pray has been receiving the exposure to inside noises, an active family, and has made significant progress toward becoming an affectionate girl, with a sassy flair, and a loud purr motor.
Miracle was also picked up from a neighborhood in southeast D.C., with a ruptured cornea, which was probably caused by a puncture to his eye. When the SPCA NOVA representative visited the shelter, she recognized that Miracle required immediate medical attention for his eye, and he was transferred to SPCA’s care. He was brought to a vet office with which the SPCA partners. Despite the horrific pain in his eye, Miracle was head-butting the veterinarian and purring while she was trying to examine him! His ruptured, infected eye was removed later that day, and he began his journey to recovery. Kitties like Miracle couldn’t receive expensive medical treatments without the outstanding supporters of our Guardian Angel program.
Pray and Miracle were introduced in a foster home after Miracle’s eye stitches were removed, and they formed an instant friendship. Miracle took the lead on showing Pray that affection from humans was a wonderful experience, and that an indoor life is the best way to live. When this little girl’s rescuer was praying for a Miracle, we doubt she thought it would come in the form of a rascally, orange tabby boy!
Watch the story of how Pray and Miracle discovered their best friend (each other!)