Gender: Male

Birth date: 01/2022

Needs feline companion: Yes


Oliver's Personality

Oliver is a sweet orange and white tabby with big green eyes. He loves rolling on his back to maximize the chances you will rub his tummy, lying on a chair near a sunny window, and carrying his toys (especially a bean-bag “mouse”) around the house. He loves both men and women alike, and does well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.

Oliver makes up his own mind about what he wants to do. He can be held, carried, and snuggled with on a lap when he's in the mood. That being said, he is a very people-oriented cat who loves hanging out with his foster parents. If they change locations, he follows them. If he can’t find them, he calls out. He sleeps in bed or elsewhere in the bedroom with his foster parents at night.

Oliver comes running when you call his name, and purrs easily when petted. He is moderately playful, not overly rambunctious. Oliver loves playing with people and on his own. At night, he often moves a pile of toys around the house for his foster parents to find in the morning. He is easily amused by running water and likes to watch the water when a shower is turned on. Oliver also likes to meet new people and greets visitors with an invitation to pet him. Oliver is a sweet and gentle boy who is easy to love!

What Type of Home Oliver Needs

Oliver needs a home where people are around to keep him company. A couple who work from home at least part of the time or a family with a quiet older child or two would be ideal. Oliver thrives on being near or interacting with people. It was a bit of an adjustment for Oliver when first coming into our care – he wasn't eating much and would hide when his foster parents weren't around. However, as soon as they went looking for him, he emerged to seek affection. Oliver is slowly gaining more confidence that he's safe and secure in a new space. He will also do best in a home with a like-minded cat buddy. We will give priority to a home that has a cat-friendly cat buddy for him to bond and play with.

Where Oliver Came From

Oliver had been living in a home of college students until his caretaker abandoned him when he moved out. With no warning, this person moved out and left Oliver behind. Luckily one of the roommates, an animal-loving person with a dog of her own, contacted her mother, a former SPCA NOVA volunteer, who agreed to take Oliver into her care until SPCA could offer him a safe haven.

PLEASE NOTE:  we only adopt to residents of the DC metro area, which includes DC, Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties in MD, and Arlington, Fairfax, Prince William, and Loudoun Counties in VA.

Please see our adoption guidelines at

Home Environment:

Moderately Active

OK with dogs:


OK with kids:


Needs a foster:


Special needs information:
